Wrapper Class In java
Wrapper Class In Java
before this , there is a question
Question :- Java is 100% Object Oriented Programing Language or not?
Answer :- Java is 99.9 % object Oriented Programming Language
It is not 100% Object Oriented Programing language , due to its primitive data Types :-
int, float , char, double etc..
These are derived from C and these are not objects
and 100% object oriented means that every thing should be in form of object.
and primitive data types are not object
for example :-
int data;
here data is not an object, it's a variable.
So in java , we have classes for every data types, we call the as wrapper classes,
Table for primitive data type and wrapper classes
Primitive Type | Wrapper Class |
boolean | BOOLEAN |
char | Character |
byte | >Byte |
short | Short |
int | Integer |
long | Long |
float | Float |
double | Double |
primitive int variable
int x = 20;
not if i want to convert this varibale into an object, then i have to write
Integer i = new Interger(x); OR Integer i = new Interger(20);
now i is 20;
This way of converting primitive into object is called as AutoBoxing
Now, how to take out value from Integer Object
Interger i = new Integer(20);
direct value can't be assigned to object so we need to use a method datatypeValue
int j = i.intValue();
now j = 10;
So getting the priitive value from object is called as Unboxing
public class Wrappractice
public static void main(String args[])
int i = 20;
Interger mydata = new Integer(i); //Autoboxing
System.out.println("value of i is " + i);
int j;
j = mydata.intValue();
System.out.println( "value od j is " +j); //Unboxing
Wrapper class are Immutable in Java
All primitive wrapper classes (Integer, Byte, Long, Float, Double, Character, Boolean and Short) are immutable in Java, so operations like addition and subtraction create a new object and not modify the old.
Example to prove that wrapper classes are Immutable
public class Wrap
public static void main(String[] args)
Integer x = new Integer(20);
System.out.println("before modification value of x is :" +x);
System.out.println("After modification value of x is :" +x);
public static void add(int x)
x = x+1;
public static void main(String[] args)
Integer x = new Integer(20);
System.out.println("before modification value of x is :" +x);
System.out.println("After modification value of x is :" +x);
public static void add(int x)
x = x+1;
Output :-
before modification value of x is :20
After modification value of x is :20
Note : String isn't a primitive type.